Building Connections
On one level, we are the most connected generation in history. Our smartphones give us global news updates, notify us of traffic incidents, tell us about new restaurants, and our plethora of social media options inform us of what our friends are up to, fashion trends, pictures of cats, daft memes, political opinions—to name just a few. We can also use the same device to stock up on groceries, have fast food delivered, and access any goods we need without ever having to leave our homes.
Yet, on another level, we are the most disconnected generation. More and more people describe feeling lonely—or, to put it another way, isolated, invisible, and insignificant. Research has shown that this affects more than just our emotions; it impacts our physical and mental health, our education, and our employment. It’s a challenge that affects us all in many ways.
Rather than hoping this problem goes away, we have decided to do something about it.
In 2022, 49.63% of adults (25.99 million people) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always
(Campaign to End Loneliness with Dr Heather McClelland (2023) Analysis of quarterly report data provided by the ONS from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey for Jan-Dec 2022 using a representative sample of people aged 16 and over in Great Britain. Note: an average of 2,625 participants engaged with the ONS Opinions during each wave of the Lifestyle Survey over this period.)
Approximately 7.1% of people in Great Britain (3.83 million) experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely ‘often or always’.
(Campaign to End Loneliness,The State of Loneliness 2023: ONS Data on loneliness in Britain (2023).)
Levels of chronic loneliness have risen from 6% (3.24 million) in 2020, to 7.1% (3.83 million), indicating that there has not been a return to pre-pandemic levels of loneliness.
(Campaign to End Loneliness, The State of Loneliness 2023: ONS Data on loneliness in Britain (2023).)
We are going to Prioritise and Practise Great Friendships.
We believe everyone has been created for connection. Having healthy relationships help us flourish in life.
We understand it's not always easy making friends so we want to do whatever we can to create opportunities for people to connect together. We also know that making deeper connections with others takes time and action. Check out the practical steps below.
Join us in taking the Challenge
Practise Gratitude - Send someone a message, card or give them a call expressing gratitude for something they did.
Practise Hospitality - Invite someone to join you for coffee, go for a walk, grab lunch.
Practise Generosity - Give of your time to help someone else, find a way to get involved with a project or a team
Practise Vulnerability - Let down your guard and share how you might need help or a difficulty you are facing with someone trustworthy
If we can help you connect or if you need support, please contact us here:
Join a FUSED Group
We all know life is better with friends to share the journey with. But, we also know true friendships take time and they don’t happen by accident.
To grow spiritually, you have to be connected relationally. Real growth happens when you intentionally connect into a group… this also won’t happen by accident.
To help you grow in friendship and faith we have FUSED Groups.
Join a TEAM
Committing to serve on a Team will grow your faith, build your friendships and develop your gifts even more. You will be part of creating the culture here at New Life. You will be someone who helps inspire people to find and follow Jesus.
There are lots of ways you can get involved. There is definitely a Team for you!